
Hi My Name is Tina

An online educational project created by the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) that provides extensive information on crystal meth, use patterns, and harm reduction strategies.

Link: http://himynameistina.com/

Toronto Vibe

An online educational project created by the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT) that provides extensive information on safe partying, drug use and harm reduction strategies. Toronto Vibe offers guidance based on Toronto’s gay male party scene, but provides general information that is relevant to populations outside of this group.

Link: http://torontovibe.com/

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH): Rainbow Services

A service for LGBTQ2-identified clients concerned about their alcohol and drug use, offered in a harm reduction framework.

Address: CAMH Queen St. Site, 60 White Squirrel Way, Toronto, ON

Phone number: 416-535-8501, press 2 

Link: https://www.camh.ca/en/your-care/programs-and-services/rainbow-services-lgbtq

AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT): SPUNK!

Support group for gay, bisexual, queer cis and trans men seeking to make changes around their drug or alcohol use in a harm reduction framework. This is a free group that runs for 6 weeks and requires registration.

Address: 543 Yonge St., 4th Floor, Toronto, ON

Phone Number:  416-340-2437 

Link: https://www.actoronto.org/spunk

AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT): Meth & Sex Group

An 8-week support group for gay, bisexual, queer cis and trans guys seeking to quit crystal meth. This free group requires registration.

Address: 543 Yonge St., 4th Floor, Toronto, ON

Phone Number:  416-340-2437 

Link: https://www.actoronto.org/spunk

AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT): The Kiki

A 10-session, bi-weekly group that offers sexual health knowledge and access to harm reduction supplies for gay, bisexual queer cis and trans men engaging in PNP/chemsex. The group is free and has open attendance.

Address: 543 Yonge St., 4th Floor, Toronto, ON

Phone Number:  416-340-2437 

Link: https://www.actoronto.org/spunk

AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT): PEACH

A 10-week support and educational group for gay, bi queer cis and trans men seeking information on building and managing healthy relationships with other men. The group is free and requires registration.

Address: 543 Yonge St., 4th Floor, Toronto, ON

Phone Number:  416-340-2437 

Link: https://www.actoronto.org/spunk

The 519: SMART Recovery

Operating out of The 519, the SMART Recovery program is a weekly CBT-based group for LGBTQ2-identified persons seeking to change their substance use. 

Address: 519 Church St., Toronto, ON

Phone Number: 416-392-6874

Link: https://www.the519.org/programs/smart-recovery

Pieces to Pathways

A free, peer-based addiction recovery program offered to LGBTQ2-identified people aged 16-29. This program is run by people who are LGBTQ2 and have gone through their own experiences with addiction and recovery, 

Address: 21 Strickland Ave., Toronto, ON

Phone Number: 647-209-2043

Link: https://www.breakawayaddictions.ca/p2p